Intelligent Systems
Note: This research group has relocated.


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Designing optimal networks for multicommodity transport problem

Lonardi, A., Facca, E., Putti, M., De Bacco, C.

Physical Review Research, 3(4):043010, October 2021 (article)

Designing and optimizing different flows in networks is a relevant problem in many contexts. While a number of methods have been proposed in the physics and optimal transport literature for the one-commodity case, we lack similar results for the multi-commodity scenario. In this paper we present a model based on optimal transport theory for finding optimal multi-commodity flow configurations on networks. This model introduces a dynamics that regulates the edge conductivities to achieve, at infinite times, a minimum of a Lyapunov functional given by the sum of a convex transport cost and a concave infrastructure cost. We show that the long time asymptotics of this dynamics are the solutions of a standard constrained optimization problem that generalizes the one-commodity framework. Our results provide new insights into the nature and properties of optimal network topologies. In particular, they show that loops can arise as a consequence of distinguishing different flow types, complementing previous results where loops, in the one-commodity case, were obtained as a consequence of imposing dynamical rules to the sources and sinks or when enforcing robustness to damage. Finally, we provide an efficient implementation of our model which convergences faster than standard optimization methods based on gradient descent.

Code Preprint DOI [BibTex]


Code Preprint DOI [BibTex]

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Principled network extraction from images

Baptista, D., Bacco, C. D.

Royal Society Open Science, 8(7):210025, July 2021 (article)

Images of natural systems may represent patterns of network-like structure, which could reveal important information about the topological properties of the underlying subject. However, the image itself does not automatically provide a formal definition of a network in terms of sets of nodes and edges. Instead, this information should be suitably extracted from the raw image data. Motivated by this, we present a principled model to extract network topologies from images that is scalable and efficient. We map this goal into solving a routing optimization problem where the solution is a network that minimizes an energy function which can be interpreted in terms of an operational and infrastructural cost. Our method relies on recent results from optimal transport theory and is a principled alternative to standard image-processing techniques that are based on heuristics. We test our model on real images of the retinal vascular system, slime mold and river networks and compare with routines combining image-processing techniques. Results are tested in terms of a similarity measure related to the amount of information preserved in the extraction. We find that our model finds networks from retina vascular network images that are more similar to hand-labeled ones, while also giving high performance in extracting networks from images of rivers and slime mold for which there is no ground truth available. While there is no unique method that fits all the images the best, our approach performs consistently across datasets, its algorithmic implementation is efficient and can be fully automatized to be run on several datasets with little supervision.

Preprint Code DOI [BibTex]

Preprint Code DOI [BibTex]

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Optimal Transport in Multilayer Networks for Traffic Flow Optimization for Traffic Flow Optimization

Ibrahim, A. A., Lonardi, A., Bacco, C. D.

Algorithms, 14(7):189, June 2021 (article)

Modeling traffic distribution and extracting optimal flows in multilayer networks is of the utmost importance to design efficient, multi-modal network infrastructures. Recent results based on optimal transport theory provide powerful and computationally efficient methods to address this problem, but they are mainly focused on modeling single-layer networks. Here, we adapt these results to study how optimal flows distribute on multilayer networks. We propose a model where optimal flows on different layers contribute differently to the total cost to be minimized. This is done by means of a parameter that varies with layers, which allows to flexibly tune the sensitivity to the traffic congestion of the various layers. As an application, we consider transportation networks, where each layer is associated to a different transportation system, and show how the traffic distribution varies as we tune this parameter across layers. We show an example of this result on the real, 2-layer network of the city of Bordeaux with a bus and tram, where we find that in certain regimes, the presence of the tram network significantly unburdens the traffic on the road network. Our model paves the way for further analysis of optimal flows and navigability strategies in real, multilayer networks.

Code Preprint DOI [BibTex]

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Generative model for reciprocity and community detection in networks

Safdari, H., Contisciani, M., Bacco, C. D.

Physical Review Research, 3(2):023209, April 2021 (article)

Preprint Code link (url) DOI [BibTex]

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